Redemption Games:
- Big Bass Wheel
- Deal or No Deal
- Emoji Roller
- Fishn’ Time
- Bunny Pond
- Robo-Bop
- Hammer Fun
- Pop it For Gold
- Wacky Ducks
- Super Shot Jr
- Hammerhead
- Flip to Win Coin-Pusher
- Pharaoh’s Treasure Coin-Pusher
- Ice-Ball Alleys
- Fireball Alley
- Basket Fever Alley
- Basketball Super-Shot
- Price is Right Coin Pusher
- Slam-A-Winner
- Red Hot
- Dizzy Chicken
- Monopoly
- Connect 4
- Ticket Troopers
- Willy Wonka Pusher
Non-Redemption Games:
- Rilix VR Coaster
- Guitar Hero Arcade
- Extreme Hunting
- VR Global Vortex
- Air-Hockey
- Fast and the Furious Cars
- F&F Superbikes
- Nicktoons Nitro Racer
- Kids Kiddie Rides
- Terminator Salvation
